Banner for dynamic retargeting

1. Requirements for banner for dynamic retargeting

Banner for dynamic retargeting must be as follows:

  1. static HTML-banner (not animated)
  2. created manually, without Adobe Animate or Google Web Designer tools.

Besides, banner must contain:

  • shop logo
  • place to put a picture, product name and price
  • "Buy" button
  • arrows from both sides of banner for carousel
  • information on legal entity (shop), legal address and OGRN (primary state registration number)

2. Supported banner formats

Dynamic retargeting supports the following banner formats:
240x400, 300x250, 300x600, 336x280, 580x400, 160x600, 728x90, 970x90.

3. Requirements for audience volume

Dynamic retargeting runs when the number of website users is more than 1 000 000.

4. Example


Requirements for design and CSS

  1. All banner CSSs must be stored in a separate file and connected as an external resource.
  2. All banner elements (buttons, images, texts) must have absolute positioning (position:absolute).