Video advertising

1. Requirements for video ads

Requirements for video:
• Timing: max 30 sec,
• Max size: 10 MB,
• Resolution: 640x360, 1280x720 or 1920x1080
Requirements for stream:
• Video bit rate: 400-450 kbit/s. Frame rate: max 25 FPS.
• Audio bit rate: 80-100 kbit/s. Loudness level should not exceed 30 dB.
• General bit rate: 480-550 kbit/s
• Max supported video ads bit rate: 700 kbit/s.
Requirements for video ads format:
• MP4 (MPEG-4): video codecs H.264; audio codecs AAC.
If the file has the max size, there may be delays while converting and there are also cases possible that is is impossible to compress videos.