Targets (Statistics)

Target statistics

When a user opens targets, he can see statistics.

For convenience, it is possible to group the target table by each of the parameters: Sort ascending / Sort descending.

You can also display any period of interest. The following options are available: the last 30 days, current month, week, today, or define specific dates manually.

Description of the main parameters

showfactual impressions volume
clickamount of clicks
vclickamount of valid clicks (valid are the clicks, as a result of which clients website opens)
aclickamount of active clicks:
- scroll is larger than the screen,
- user spends on the webpage more than 1 minute,
- navigating to the next page
act1-act5amount of act1-act5 actions (target actions set according to the ad campaign data), they are unique for each ad placement
act6active click according GA version, which means navigating to the next page