Key SSP's requirements for advertising certain categories of products and services
1. Google requirements
The full list of requirements for ads can be found on Google website
Political content
We expect all political ads and destinations to comply with the local campaign and election laws for any area that the ads target. This policy includes legally mandated election “silence periods”.
The following is allowed, with restrictions:
- Promoting content relating to political organisations, political parties, political issue advocacy or fundraising, and individual candidates and politicians.
For more requirements follow this link
Financial products and services
Financial products and services are those related to the management or investment of money and cryptocurrencies, including personalised advice.
Below you can find policy requirements related to financial services, personal loans and certain restricted financial products.
Financial products and services disclosures
Financial products and services can be very complex and sometimes difficult to understand. Disclosures increase transparency and provide consumers with valuable information to make informed decisions. Your ad may be disapproved for:
- Failure to provide legitimate contact information for a physical location for the business being promoted.
- Failure to disclose associated fees.
Disclosures can’t be posted as roll-over text or made available through another link or tab. They must must be clearly and immediately visible without needing to click or hover over anything.
- Failure to include links to third-party accreditation or endorsement where affiliation is asserted or implied, particularly when it serves to improve the reputation of the site
Personal loans
Personal loans is lending money from one individual, organisation or entity to an individual consumer on a non-recurring basis, not for the purpose of financing purchase of a fixed asset or education. Personal loan consumers require information about the quality, features, fees, risks and benefits of loan products in order to make informed decisions about whether to undertake the loan.
Examples: Payday loans, logbook loans, pawn shops
Not included: Mortgages, car loans, student loans, revolving lines of credit (such as credit cards, personal lines of credit)
Advertisers for personal loans must prominently disclose additional information on their destination site or app. Disclosures increase transparency and provide consumers with valuable information to make informed decisions. Your ad may be disapproved for:
- Failure to provide minimum and maximum period for repayment
- Failure to provide maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which generally includes interest rate plus fees and other costs for a year, or similar other rates calculated consistently with local law
- Failure to display a representative example of the total cost of the loan, including all applicable fees
- We do not allow the promotion of personal loans which require repayment in full in 60 days or less from the date on which the loan is issued (we refer to these as “Short-term personal loans”). This policy applies to advertisers who offer loans directly, lead generators and those who connect consumers with third-party lenders.
Loan modification
We want consumers to make informed decisions about mortgages and property foreclosures. To protect consumers from deceptive and harmful practices, ads for mortgage-related or foreclosure-related sites and apps can be disapproved for:
- Guaranteeing loan modification or foreclosure prevention
- Charging an upfront fee, unless service is being provided by a law firm
- Asking users to transfer or surrender property titles, or offering to buy a house at a below-market price
- Asking users to bypass the lender and make payments directly to the company or other third party
- Encouraging users not to contact their lender, lawyer, credit counsellor or housing counsellor.
Binary options
Due to the significant risk of financial loss involved in trading binary options, the following are not allowed:
- Ads for binary options or synonymous financial products
Examples: Ads for digital options, binary options, digital 100, fixed return options, all-or-nothing options
Complex speculative financial products
Due to the inherent complexities and risks involved in trading the following types of financial products, we only allow them to be advertised in limited circumstances.
The following complex speculative financial products may only be advertised if the advertiser is a licensed provider, the products and ads comply with local laws and industry standards and the account is certified by Google.
- Contracts for Difference (CFD), financial spread betting, rolling spot forex and related forms of speculative products
If you meet the requirements, apply for certification If you want to advertise in more than one country, submit a separate application for each country or group of countries.
The following are not allowed:
- Ads that target minors or unapproved countries
- Ad destinations that aggregate or review providers offering complex speculative financial products, or that provide signals for the trading of these products
Examples: Trading signals, tips or speculative trading information; aggregators or affiliate sites containing related content or broker reviews
Due to the complex and evolving nature of regulations related to cryptocurrencies and related products and services, we only allow them to be advertised in limited circumstances.
The following is allowed:
Products and services associated with cryptocurrency mining, so long as explicit user consent is obtained before enabling or otherwise facilitating any use of computing resources.
Examples: Hardware products designed for cryptocurrency mining, cloud-based cryptocurrency mining services, guides for mining cryptocurrency.
The following cryptocurrency products and services may only be advertised if the advertiser is a licensed provider, the products and ads comply with local laws and industry standards, and the account is certified by Google. -
Cryptocurrency exchanges
If you meet the requirements, apply for certification. If you want to advertise in more than one country, submit a separate application for each country.
The following is not allowed:
- Ads for initial coin offerings, cryptocurrency token sales or otherwise promoting the purchase, sale, or trade of cryptocurrencies or related products (except where explicitly allowed above)
Examples: Ads for ICO pre-sales, ads promoting the purchase or sale of specific cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency wallets - Ad destinations that aggregate or compare issuers of cryptocurrencies or related products
Examples: Cryptocurrency trading signals, cryptocurrency trading or investment advice, aggregators or affiliate sites containing related content or broker reviews
Find out more by following this link
Healthcare and medicines
It is allowed to promote the following products and services related to healthcare and medicine, if ads and destinations follow appropriate laws and industry standards. Some healthcare-related content can’t be advertised at all, while others can only be advertised if the advertiser is certified with Google and targets only approved countries.
Advertising of pharmaceuticals and medical services in the Russian Federation via Google network is prohibited.
Age restrictions
Age rating refers to any advertising information services and products that mention information intended for specifiс age group according to Russian legislation.
Examples of products related to restrictions
- Audio and graphic content, films, TV and radio programs, movies
- Digital and printed materials, books
- Theatrical productions, music and concerts, mass events
- Games, different software
- Feeding for babies under one year old, as well as breast milk substitutes. Advertising of such products should contain a warning "Consult an expert. For children from [specify number] months."
Any of ads listed above must contain age restriction (0+, 6+, 12+, 16+, 18+).
The age restriction may be specified in any element of the ad - in the title or any description line in the text ad, or anywhere in the graphic ad. Crucial is that the age rating must be understandable and noticeable.
If the product / service is intended for all age categories, you should put the category 0+.
Find out more by following this link
2. Yandex requirements
Age restrictions
Ad banners that promote goods and services subject to the law «On protecting children from information harmful to their health and development“ must contain age-related mark.
Promoting online shop
Banners that promote online shops must contain:
- name of legal entity and legal organizational form;
- legal address of the shop.
Promoting financial services
Banners promoting financial services must contain name of legal entity and legal organizational form.
This information must be:
- noticeable for user while watching ads without using any special tools or performing additional actions;
- visible and easily read while minimum resolution;
- shown on the screen for a time sufficient to read all text in the frame, with an average read speed (150 characters per minute)
Goods and services prohibited for advertising
Promoting following goods and services is not allowed:
- Gambling, sport predictions, betting shops, risk-based games and betting as well as their organizers.
- Alcohol products.
- Explosives ecxept fireworks.
- Distance selling of goods prohibited for sale remotely, e.g. jewelry, pharmaceutical products.
- Copies of original brands, e.g. replica of famous brand watch.
- Medical abortion services.
- Narcotics and psychotropic substances as well as their precursors.
- Weapons. Advertising any types of weapons, including pneumatic, hunting, antique, gas, souvenir is prohibited.
- Websites with harmful content and resourses aimed at obtaining money or user contact details by fraud.
- Prescription drugs.
- Tobacco products, smoking goods and accessories.
- Pyramid schemes.
- Goods and services, production or sale of which is prohibited or restricted by the laws of the Russian Federation, e.g. forging documents, distributing pornographic materials.
Updated about 6 years ago